Post-Launch Update

Block Duelers NFT BATTLES
7 min readApr 16, 2021


Article written by Garrett Blakeslee — BlockDuelers CEO

Block Duelers!

Last Friday we had a successful release of our MVP platform.

It was a hectic but nonetheless, spectacular launch! Since then, we’ve seen users redeem thousands of our lootbox NFTs, transfer millions of DC from ETH to BSC, and hosted thousands of duels on our platform…

As we progress into the post MVP tweaks and game mechanics, we want to thank everyone that has been a part of our journey so far! As you all know, we’re constantly keeping our community up to date on features that we will be adding and also features they’d like to see going into this next phase of the project.

BlockDuelers would not be where we are today without the people, projects, and communities that have helped support, motivate, and secure our place in this amazing and ever growing technological space!

Development Updates

Our new roadmap will be released soon with a more visual timeline of the things that we have planned for the future! In the mean while, please feel free to digest and enjoy the following information!

BSC Staking Now Live!

Users can now stake their BDT directly on Binance Smart Chain and claim their Duelers Credits on BSC. This will kill the need to spend an arm and a leg on exorbitant gas fees to transact over the Ethereum network. If you wish to stake your BDT on BSC, you will need to use the BDT bridge to send them over. Please note that there is an ETH gas fee to send over the BDT.

Those that wish to stay staked on the ETH network may due so, but will have to use the DC bridge in order to send Duelers Credits over to BSC. Please note that there is an ETH gas fee to send over the DC.

Both the DC and BDT bridges can be accessed by using the link below:

NFT Bridge

Development of the NFT bridge has begun so users will be able to transfer their BSC NFTs to Ethereum in order to buy, sell, and trade their BSC NFTs on the Ethereum open market.

This piece of technology will be the first of its kind and is being built by our amazing developers over at who are responsible for our DC and BDT bridges.

Mobile Game

We are consulting with a professional game developer who will help us take the BlockDuelers platform to the next level! Not only will they be helping us develop our desktop based dueling platform, they will also be building out our mobile game that will be available on Android and iOS devices!

This industry leading game developer has been making amazing mobile games for over 20 years and will be taking on their first crypto creation with BlockDuelers!

Community Updates

As everyone is familiar, this space is one that moves unlike any other and forces those who wish to thrive in it to adapt. As such, we’ve had to adapt to the times as well as cater to our community which have been helpful, enjoyable, and a whole lot of fun.

BDT/DC LP Pools and Tokenomics

A devoted community member has provided 1,000,000 DC and 100 BDT worth of liquidity on Uniswap (totaling over $35,000) so that Duelers can buy DC directly with BDT which they can send over to BSC.

For our gratitude, we will be rewarding him a custom NFT fighter that he can duel on our platform! To purchase DC with your BDT use the link below:

We will also be adding a BDT-DC pair on Pancakeswap so users can trade Duelers Credits directly on BSC! Users will earn 30x the Dueler Credits to stake BUSD-BDT-LP tokens that they earn staking BDT. Feel free to provide liquidity on pancakeswap using the following link below:

Unifty Strategic Partnership

One of our amazing community members “RealCryptoBeard” took it upon himself to reach out to the Unifty team to get their help in integrating with our first NFT marketplace! Instead of just “helping” us integrate with their NFT Marketplace, they decided to make us our own custom NFT marketplace that we will be integrating directly onto the Block Duelers website!

All NFTs that are bought or sold on Unifty will have a 15% royalty deducted from the sale. This royalty will be split between the Artist, BlockDuelers, and charity(more details below).

Not only will this be our first NFT marketplace integration, we will also be partnering with Unifty to bring both of our communities a fun and profitable way to participate in the NFT craze!

How To Use Unifty

  1. Go to
  2. Add the BSC/UNIFTY Network to your MetaMask wallet (you can just change the rpc address if you’ve already connected Binance Smart Chain network to Metamask

Please use one of the following Unifty RPC nodes:

3. Click on “Your Wallet”

4. Click the COG next to “Wallet” and select “Register Collection”

5. Enter 0xFeD1282e79e0241D4BEFD951c0Ca38DEf3cB38Cd into the “Collection Address” space.

And you’re all set! You can now use the Unifty marketplace with your BlockDueler NFTs.

Community Events and Initiatives

Block Duelers is excited to announce a bunch of events that will bring in new members and keep our current ones entertained!

NFT Friday Nights and Artist Spotlight

Every Friday starting in early May, we will be releasing a new NFT fighter every week into the community. This will be a tournament style event that we like to call “NFT FRIDAY NIGHTS!” NFT Friday Nights will be hosted by a spotlight artist each week, so make sure to tune in!

This will be a great opportunity for players to win amazing prizes. These prizes include: BDT, DC, NFTs, and an auction where there will be a 1 of a kind NFT fighter given away!

Right now we currently have 6 artists signed up for the fun: Jorden Oliwa, Robert Valley, Dallas, Pineapple Peter, Vesa, and Sealze.

Community Give Backs

In order to incentivize more game play and to keep the community involved, we have decided to give back a percentage of all DC that has been spent playing the game (minus NFT redeems)back to our Duelers!

We feel that this is necessary to keep the growth of the platform and balance the ecosystem. It also helps grow our user base by allowing people to give some of that DC to their friends and family to try the game.

Thriving Artist Initiative

BlockDuelers is looking for artists to help create characters and items that will be minted, battled, and traded on our platform. We have created this opportunity to allow artists to monetize themselves using cryptocurrency, decentralized finance, and NFTs (digital art).

The initiative provides 6 tiers of work to help the “starving artist” become a thriving artist. We call these pieces of work “Sponsored Creations”. Sponsored Creations will maximize artist profits and create massive marketing potential to help these artists monetize themselves through NFT’s.

5% of all NFT sales will be donated to a charity of the artists choice and 5% to the charity of BlockDuelers choosing. This is just the start of what we are doing to give back to the less fortunate.

Manny Pacquiao Foundation

We have teamed up with the Manny Pacqiao Foundation and the ZUT team to collect donations to help underprivileged kids buy school supplies. This is the 1st of many things that we will be working on with these two amazing communities! Check out the following link for more information on the back to School Supply giveaway; presented by MPF, ZUT, and BDT.

Come join us in Telegram where duelers can interact and play with one another and earn prizes including Duelers credits and NFT fighters!

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